Monday 29 December 2008

Adult Courses

Contact the Club Secretary or Chairman if you think you qualify for subsidised training. You can of course book direct if you cover your own costs.


Dear Football Enthusiast. May I first take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and HappyNew Year. Thanks for everything you’ve done to develop football in the County this past year. It’s been great working in partnership with you. We have some really exciting news! As part of our aim to provide anexcellent coach education programme and service to you our customers, wehave developed a process with the FA so that you can now book onto ourcourses on-line. To access this facility you need to click on the followinglink whichwill take you to the applicable section of our website. To confirm a placeon any of our courses you will first need a FAN number which you retain forfuture use. You may already have this number if you have accessed anyservices from the FA previously, however if you don’t have this number orhave misplaced it you can apply for a reminder. This can be accessed byclicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of any of our on-linecourses. You are then able to complete an application form for any of ouradvertised courses and make payment with a credit or debit card to secureyour place. Is that 21st century technology or what? Courses can still be booked by the ‘traditional’ method, that is,forwarding a completed application form to us with a cheque payment orcash. The only change will be that cheques will now be cashed immediatelyonce a place is allocated, usually being on receipt of the application andpayment, which will be the time places are confirmed. I trust you will all feel as we do that this is a major step forward toprovide a service much sought after by our customers. Lisa will continue toadminister all of the courses and I would like to take this opportunity tothank her for all her efforts and particularly the excellent work completedin ensuring this on line booking facility can be used. Lisa has worked longand hard to ensure the system works well and would also appreciate ongoingcomments from you our customers, regarding the service. One last reminder, we now have additional telephone lines at theWorcestershire FA but only on 01905 827137. Please note the old developmentnumber of 01905 827261 is discontinued. Best wishes. Andy NormanCounty Development ManagerWorcestershire Football Association

Tuesday 23 December 2008

Chairmans Letter Christmas 2008

Hi everyone,

A quick year-end letter to all the parents (who have submitted their email addresses to their Coach) and also your children so please pass this email on to them or even better, discuss its contents with them.

This letter is also available on our website and our new Facebook Group

2009 will see an important step change in the FA Respect campaign.

Children, parents and Club members will all be asked to sign up to a process of improving the quality of the game both on and off the pitch.

You will all have experienced or witnessed unacceptable behaviour either between players or parents or against match and club officials.

The new Charter will include agreeing to abide to a new set of rules including how you as a player, parent or official treat your fellow colleagues or opponents.

I'm not going to go through the details here, you can click on this link to find out more

My main point is that football within the FA at grass roots level needs to return to being a game, a sport and a social event.

Abusive behaviour by any player, parent or club official towards ANY other participant will not be tolerated.

Under the new FA campaign for Respect, WRFC now reserves the right to eject any player, parent or club official for ANY event of gross misconduct either on or off the field.

Should any adult be asked to leave the club then their son (s) /daughter (s) will also need to leave at the same time.

Worcester Raiders was and always has been about providing fun and inclusive football for all.

I know that all of you want this and will support the Committee in it's efforts in 2009 to bring Respect back to the game.

May I take this opportunity of personally wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and (especially this year) a prosperous New Year.

Francisco Serrano

Worcester Raiders Football Club

Monday 22 December 2008

WRFC now on Facebook

Fancy a chat about our club football? Hook up on our new Facebook Group.

Don't stop coming back to the website for news and announcements though..

Practice during Christmas !!


Friday 12 December 2008

Thanks to all the parents who took part in the match.
Although we lost 2-1 you all played well and was a credit to the kids who play for Worcester raiders.
Some of the parents have called for a rematch towards the end of the season.
so the parents are laying down the challenge to the coaches, can they last another 90Min's.

Monday 1 December 2008

parents f.c

Time to stand up and be counted, lets do it for the kids.
thanks to all those who trained it was good fun and a eye opener to all.
we are meeting a perdiswell on Sunday 7Th Dec at 13.15 pm ready to
warm up and play. [ trust me the coaches are worried].
please bring shin pads shorts and I've asked for all the parents to wear old
football socks.
many thanks again to all those taking part that's have some fun.
a.j [ coach player/manager ]

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Caoches F.C

Right training over ! (WE dont need anymore!)
Be at perdiswell onthe 7th Dec for about 1pm so we can put the nets up etc, Dave has a full kit so we dont need tocome with your pads etc on as we can get changed in the changing rooms ! Remember their are only winners on the day and that WILL be US!!!!!

Monday 24 November 2008

It was good and a eye opener to my self and a few parents who thought they wouldn't be able to do it.
The coaches need to look out PARENTS F.C are on there way.
next training on sunday 30th at brickes at 10.30 am.
All parents who wish to play need to ring me has i need names on paper for the match day programe.
tel : 07526107781

Thursday 13 November 2008


Well training was good eh i dont think we have much to worry about !!!!!!!!!!!The next training is on saturday 22nd at 2pm at perdiswell

Sunday 9 November 2008

A light kick about, get to know each other and how we going to play. We have given the coaches a few weeks start on us.[ they going to need it ]
So past the massage on to every one you see dads, older bothers etc

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Coaches .F.C

Guys we have a training (get together as we dont need much training! (AJ)do we?) on saturday 8 Nov at 2.30 at brickies (behind the chinnese).

Friday 31 October 2008

parents v coaches

not long now but come on parents still looking for players need 4 to make a team with subs!
looking at a kick about on the weekend of the 22/23 Nov and 29/30 Nov only one day of these weekend for a hour or two.
the match it's self is on Sunday DEC 7Th time t.b.a we play at Perdiswell.
so please let me know and thanks to those who has already said yes.

Sunday 19 October 2008

parents v coaches

I have about 8 parents saying yes to playing so far i need to get another 5-6 so we can some sub's. The match is going to be on Sunday the 7Th Dec plus a couple of training sessions before the game [could be Sunday mornings for about a hour and half]
we need to show the coaches that we know a bit about playing the game as well has shouting from the side lines. SO COME ON email me at mark it football match. i'll add you to the team.

Sunday 5 October 2008


Guys as the gaffer of the coaches team. please be aware i am on holiday from 7th till 29th so when i come back we will need only 1 get together and not the 2-3 the parents need !!!!!!!
To be ready for the MATCH ON 7th Dec any ideas! on times and date for our get together (name of the pub! )

coaches v parents match

calling all parent's [ mainly the dads out there ]

your kids need you, there is a football match being arrange for us to play the clubs coaches.

i am a parent of a player who has been given the task to get the parent's team together.

so i need you, we must beat the coaches so if you are keen please let me know asap by email.

my email is
drop your email to me mark it as football team then i will get back to.
you we looking at 2 - 3 training mornings before the match then the match, so not much time to give up. remember it's for the kids. many thanks a.j

Monday 29 September 2008

Repect Campaign

The Respect Campaign kicks off this season.

There are some important rules for spectators and parents. Have a look at this link for more..

Parents Evening News

Thanks everyone for coming to a great parents evening.

Key outcomes were:

New Treasurer - welcome John Rock (who is also a qualified accountant) and thanks for sticking your hand up!

New Child Welfare Officer - Welcome Sarah Tooth. Thanks also for volunteering. I'm sure we'll all be gentle with you (to begin with)

I would like to pass on the Committee's thanks to the outgoing Treasurer and CWO Phil Abram and Jaynie Parkes. We're sorry to see two founder members go. We wish you well and hope you will keep in touch with the club

Parents agreed to pass on details of the Website and to add email addresses to their lists.

Upcoming social events include a Race Night in November (date TBA) and a Bed Push in December to raise funds for the Club.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Comments on this website

Guys, please keep this page for announcements and news only.

Comments and exchanges can be made on the WRFC Forum - see link above - let the kids know too.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

coaches vs parents footie match!!!!!

Stu and i has had a thought about parents vs coaches match anyone intrested?
just remembering in the last 1 i scored a cracker from 45 yards ! remember daig?

Monday 8 September 2008

Under 11s 2008

We started the season well with a win over Worcester hawks 3 goals to 2 with Alex Crawford getting 2 and Luke Davis getting 1.
Alex crawford was man of the match.

Sunday 7 September 2008


As it is thebeginning of the season, there are a lot of new faces in the Club.

It is important for the Club and parents to be up to date with all the Club issues.

For this reason, we are holding a Parents Evening at the Goodrest Pub

7:30pm SUNDAY 28th SEPTEMBER 2008

We will cover all aspects of Club life including our need for parent
volunteers to join the Committee, become Coaches or Child Protection Officers.